Produse Amplificator CATV LD-80B, MST, 46-860MHz, Gain 32dB Carcasa etansa Al 360, alimentare locala 220v, modul hibrid, 2 iesiri egale sau 1 iesire + 1 iesire test. View
Analizor semnal CATV Analizor semnal CATV MST-870WR Suporta ambele semnale DVB-C si analog CATV Gama frecvente 46-870MHz CCIR/OIRT Acuratete masurare 1.5dBµV Scanare automata Difuzor audio inclus. View
Spirale intindere Spirala intindere 7.71-8.31mm MST 07083 Spirala intindere pentru cablu optic cu diametrul 7.71-8.31mm, pentru deschideri ≤ 70m View
Accesorii intins si fixat cablul coaxial si fibra optica Suport rezerva cablu fibra optica Suport 1000 x 1000mm View
Produse Suport oscilant (barcuta mare) 90mm Suport R1 Suport cablu (barcuta) MARE - suport oscilant 90mm View
Splitere optice Spliter PLC, 2 iesiri SC/APC Single Mode 1310/1550nm Tip cablu optic G657A1 1in / 2out Lungime: 1m View
Produse Amplificator EYDFA 32 porturi cu WDM EYDFA Amplifier (Erbium-Ytterbium Doped Fiber Amplifier) Ideal pentru a amplifica și multiplexa la o singură ieșire optică semnalul de la un transmițător optic CATV (1550nm) cu semnalul de la OLT (1310 / 1490nm). View
EDFA Amplificator optic EYDFA EDFA 1550nm Multiport cu WDM EPON/GEPON, GPON, BPON, DPON SC/APC or FC/APC 1545nm - 1565nm View
Transmitere optice Transmitator optic CATV 1550nm pentru rack 19" 1550nm Externally Modulated Optical Transmitter (Top Model) View
EDFA High Power Multi Ports PON EYDFA 1550nm Series(2RU) OLA1550 Series(2RU) It adopts the top brand pump laser and double cladding active fiber. Each output port is built in with CWDM. Compatible with any FTTx PON:EPON、GPON、10GPON. Perfect APC, ACC and ATC optical circuit design ensures low noise, high output and high reliability of the device in the whole operating band (1545 ~ 1565nm). It has the function... View
EDFA High Power Multi Ports PON EYDFA OLA1550 Series(3RU) It adopts the top brand pump laser and double cladding active fiber. Each output port is built in with CWDM. Compatible with any FTTx PON:EPON、GPON、10GPON. Perfect APC, ACC and ATC optical circuit design ensures low noise, high output and high reliability of the device in the whole operating band (1545 ~ 1565nm). Output adjustable, adjustment range :... View